SQHS Drama Courses
Contact Ms. Linde with questions: annika.linde@bellinghamschools.org
Drama 1: Introduction to Theatre
Teacher: Ms. Linde
Grade Level: 9, 10, 11, 12
Length of Class: Semester
Credit: .5 Arts or Elective (CADR)
This is a foundational theatre class that introduce students to basic theatre concepts. This class focuses on building an awareness of theatrical context and developing self-confidence and performance skills through creative group activities and performance projects. Emphasis is on building skills and techniques in beginning acting, basic technical theatre and improvisation.

Guys and Dolls, 2024, photo by Denise McCoy

Big Fish, 2022, photo by Denise McCoy
Drama 2: Intermediate Theatre
Teacher: Ms. Linde
Grade Level: 9, 10, 11, 12
Length of Class: Semester
Credit: .5 Arts or Elective (CADR)
Pre-requisite: Drama 1
Drama 2 further explores the skills and techniques that were developed in Drama 1. Skills are polished and refined with an emphasis on acting skills, voice control, and developing character. Students explore history of theatre, play analysis and scene study.
Theatre Technology
Teacher: Ms. Linde
Grade Level: 9, 10, 11, 12
Length of Class: Semester
Credit: .5 CTE, Arts or Elective (CADR)
Theatre Technology is for students with an interest in developing work-related skills in the theatre tech and/or film industry. Emphasis is on the development of skills in technical aspects of the theatre, including scenic design and construction, scene painting, costuming, rigging, lighting and sound engineering and production, as well as individual projects in design and/or construction.

The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, 2021

Little Shop of Horrors, 2023, photo by Denise McCoy
Drama 3: Advanced Theatre 1
Teacher: Ms. Linde
Grade Level: 10, 11, 12
Length of Class: Semester
Credit: 0.5 Arts or Elective (CADR)
Pre-requisite: Drama 1 and either Drama 2 or Theatre Tech
This class focuses on a deeper study of theater for the advanced theatre student. Coursework will include advanced techniques in acting and production with emphasis on an interactive exploration of theatre history and scene studies. This course includes public drama productions, contests and competitions.